User Profiles
Fully customisable user profiles allow you to grant access to various features and functions within the system.
Choose how your search results are viewed, which teams or departments a user can view and who can add, view or delete notes.
You can even limit access to audit trails and the ability to download recordings. You have full control of what your users can do within our solution.
Full Control of your System
A User’s security role defines the permissions they have in the system for Searching, Configuration and other functions both for themselves and others.
A User’s security role defines the permissions they have in the system for Searching, Configuration and other functions.
Full control of the role name and the ability to add a description.
You decide if a user can conduct searches which allows them to search and playback calls.
Conduct Audits allows the user access to the Audits trails within the system.
Settings allows the user access to the system configuration settings.
Export Interactions gives the user the ability to save/export copies of the recorded calls.
Notes allows you to decide if a user can view, create, edit and/or delete notes assigned to a call.

You can create as many security roles as you require within the system and assign them to individual users such as team leaders or product managers, you can allow staff the ability to listen to their owns calls so they can carry out checks on recent conversations or carry our internal training.
Find out more
Get in touch to discuss how we can help you unleash the power of your voice.